The idiots close out Actor and digress a little more then usual. Ever wondered how to tell what gender a kitten is? Covered: “Just the Same But Brand New” and “The Sequel.”
2.4 They Have Champagne on Tap
The idiots confront hard truths about transitional albums, and tell the tale of the time Annie Clark made Omaha weird. Covered: “Marrow,” “The Bed,” and “The Party.”
2.3 Bill Hicks Was the Name
Somehow Van Halen keeps coming up, and is 100% relevant each time. Also, the idiots run into the first great St. Vincent song. Covered: “Actor Out of Work,” “Black Rainbow,” and “Laughing With a Mouth of Blood.”
2.2 Pitchforks and Torches for (2009) Pitchfork
Some unfortunate microphone problems can’t stop the idiots from exposing the truth about the first 3 songs on Actor. The truth is that they’re good. Songs: “The Strangers,” “Save Me From What I Want,” and “The Neighbors.”